Isnin, 2 Mei 2011

"Don't Judge the Book by Its cover"..

Knp nk judge org laen sblm kenal? semotimes we not realise that what we are doin can give bad impact to us...dari situ jugak,kite akan jd bepecah belah and bepuak2...bile dipikir2 balik,kite ni same2 manusia..knp mesti nk citer sana sini pasal org laen ek..faham lah..x sume org tu dibesarkan dalam environment y same..harus la prangai n pandangan pon laen..kdg2. org y besar same2 pon akn berpewatakan berbeza...lg pon..kalo sume org perangai same, x best la...x de la warna warni dalam hidup kite...koa tgk aq cam kao tgk diri sendiri...x syok sedar skrg...ap y org citer2, x sumenye btol...kdg2 saje nk menokok tambah keburukkan org..padahal,org tu x la seburuk mane pon...dye ok je pon...haish...knape la manusia ni perangainye cam tu...oleh itu,sebelum citer2 pasal buruk org,cari la buruk diri sendiri dulu...ok...

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Amy Itsukey is a creature which is listed as 1 f the people on earth ..wanna share what she has with laugh,to think and to do anything with people..not enough space to write...please enlarge da box~ Wink ~