Isnin, 8 Ogos 2011

Ahlan WaSahlan Ya Ramadhan...

Da seminggu da pose....tahun ni x pose ngn kengkawan ag...da 5 thn pose ngn kwn2...thn ni da laen suasananya...da x dpt p bazar same2 cari mknn free..rindu plak nk buka pose ngn korg ramai2 kat padang, kat depan masjid besar Kuantan tu...Selamat Berpuasa ye sampai je bulan puasa ni aq paling rindu kat arwah y da pulang tu...sdr x sdr da 2 kali pose dye x de...da thn jgk la dye pegi...rindu rasenye nk dgr lawak bodo dye...huhu...semoga roh dye ditempatkan dengan mereka y beriman...mudah-mudahan..ape2 pon, Selamat Baerpuasa...


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Amy Itsukey is a creature which is listed as 1 f the people on earth ..wanna share what she has with laugh,to think and to do anything with people..not enough space to write...please enlarge da box~ Wink ~