Rabu, 6 November 2013


Hye Readers...

Hr ni aq xde mood nk keje...pasai pa? pasai pg ni aq call org utk booking dewan nk buat majlis...tp date y aq nak tu dah ada org len booking...1 mggu selepas tarikh tu pon da ad org booking..so aq terpaksa drag ke minggu dpn nye lg...haish...frust plak rasenye...9t mst org salahkan aq bcoz aq y tangguh2 untuk booking dewan tu...tp org x tau ap y jd sebenarnya.. ssh la...ni masa aq free, poket plak x izinkan...masa aq da keje 9t blom tau lg blh luangkn masa untuk booking y len2 tu...
Nape la ssh sgt nk kawen...nikah kat masjid ja kn sng...ni sume nk grand2...cyap majlis bsr2..igt 24 jam tu cukup ke? nk keje lg, nk uruskn tu ni ag...aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh...

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Foto saya
Amy Itsukey is a creature which is listed as 1 f the people on earth ..wanna share what she has with other...to laugh,to think and to do anything with people..not enough space to write...please enlarge da box~ Wink ~