Khamis, 24 Oktober 2013

Kebun Anggur Bungkus!!

Hye Readers...

Setelah sekian lama aq buka kebun anggur akhirnya kebun anggur aq bungkus setelah dibeli oleh Scope International (M)...
Sebenarnye aq nak share, aq dapat offer dari Scope International...rase  cm berat aq nk p bila mengenangkkan tmpat tggl y ntah kat mana hour y ntah pukul bape...keadaan jalan y aq nk merentas..suspen xpe la...bila mengenangkan htg2 y nk ditanggung, dwet y nk guna untuk kawen,aq terima jgk as a challenge...

So, aq akn mula kerja on Nov...hopefully x la membebankan...harap2 office hour nye pon ok...
wish me luck ya...

Bye Readers

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Foto saya
Amy Itsukey is a creature which is listed as 1 f the people on earth ..wanna share what she has with laugh,to think and to do anything with people..not enough space to write...please enlarge da box~ Wink ~